Ring Doorbell Not Recording Amazon Delivery? Here’s What You Need to Know

Understanding Ring Doorbell Not Recording Amazon Delivery

Amazon is one of the most popular online shopping platforms globally, and the convenience of home deliveries has made it even more attractive. However, concerns have been raised regarding the security of home deliveries, especially with the rise of porch pirates. The Ring Doorbell camera has been a popular solution for monitoring home deliveries, but there have been reports of it failing to capture Amazon deliveries. This issue can be frustrating and leave homeowners vulnerable to theft and other criminal activities.

The Issue with Ring Doorbell Not Recording Amazon Delivery

The issue with Ring Doorbell not recording Amazon deliveries has been reported by many users, and there are concerns that delivery personnel may be using jamming devices to avoid being recorded by Ring cameras. This has led to an increase in theft and other criminal activities, making it essential for homeowners to have a reliable security system for home deliveries.

Importance of having a Reliable Security System for Home Deliveries

Having a reliable security system for home deliveries is crucial to ensure that your packages are safe and secure. With the rise of porch pirates and other criminal activities, it is essential to have a security system that can monitor and capture any suspicious activities. The Ring Doorbell camera has been a popular solution for monitoring home deliveries but failing to capture Amazon deliveries can leave homeowners vulnerable to theft and other criminal activities.

Brief Overview of the Article’s Content

This article aims to help homeowners understand the issue with Ring Doorbell not recording Amazon deliveries and provide solutions to prevent such incidents from occurring. The article will cover the following topics:

  • Understanding the problem with Ring Doorbell not recording Amazon deliveries
  • Troubleshooting issues with Ring Doorbell recording
  • Tips for Ring Doorbell users
  • Solutions for Ring Doorbell recording issues
  • Preventing Ring Doorbell jamming

By the end of this article, homeowners should have an understanding of how to ensure that their Ring Doorbell camera is working correctly and have the necessary tools to prevent any security breaches during home deliveries.

Troubleshooting Issues with Ring Doorbell Recording

If you’re experiencing issues with Ring Doorbell recording deliveries, it is essential to troubleshoot to ensure that the device is working correctly. There are several reasons why Ring Doorbell may fail to capture Amazon deliveries, and this section will provide solutions to common issues.

Checking WiFi Settings and Internet Connection

One of the most common issues with Ring Doorbell not recording deliveries is a poor internet connection. Before troubleshooting other issues, it’s essential to check the WiFi settings and internet connection of your Ring Doorbell device.

According to smarthomestarter.com, a poor internet connection, or WiFi network issues can affect the Ring Doorbell’s performance. It is recommended to check the internet speed and signal strength to ensure that the device is operating correctly.

Adjusting Motion Settings

The motion settings of your Ring Doorbell device can also affect its performance. If the device is not capturing deliveries, it’s worth checking the motion settings to ensure that they are correctly configured.

According to thesmarthomesecrets.com, the Ring Doorbell has three sensors that detect motion. If the motion settings are too high, the device may trigger false alarms, leading to missed deliveries. It is recommended to adjust the motion settings to ensure that the device is optimized for capturing deliveries.

Ensuring No Motion Schedule is Enabled

If you have a motion schedule enabled on your Ring Doorbell device, it may not capture Amazon deliveries. A motion schedule is a feature that allows you to set specific times when the device should detect motion. If this feature is enabled, it may be preventing the device from capturing deliveries.

According to smarthomestarter.com, it’s essential to ensure that no motion schedule is enabled on your Ring Doorbell device. If you have a motion schedule enabled, you may need to adjust it to ensure that it doesn’t interfere with your deliveries.

Checking Event History

If you’re still experiencing issues with Ring Doorbell not recording Amazon deliveries, it’s worth checking the event history of your device. The event history provides a log of all events captured by the device, including missed deliveries.

According to smarthomestarter.com, checking the event history can help you identify any issues with your Ring Doorbell device. If the event history shows that the device is not capturing deliveries, you may need to contact customer support for further assistance.

Contacting Customer Support

If you’ve tried all the above troubleshooting steps and are still experiencing issues with Ring Doorbell not recording Amazon deliveries, it’s time to contact customer support.

According to adaptcreaterepeat.org, Ring Doorbell has excellent customer support, and they are always ready to help users with any issues they may be experiencing. Contacting customer support can provide you with further troubleshooting steps and ensure that your device is working correctly.

Tips for Ring Doorbell Users

Ring Doorbell is an excellent home security device that can help you monitor your home deliveries. However, to ensure that the device is working correctly, it’s essential to follow some tips that can help prevent issues with Ring Doorbell not recording Amazon deliveries.

Check the Camera’s Motion Detection

According to thesmarthomesecrets.com, the Ring Doorbell camera has three sensors that detect motion. If the motion detection is not working correctly, the device may not capture Amazon deliveries. It’s essential to check the camera’s motion detection settings to ensure that they are correctly configured.

Check the Camera’s Schedule

If you have a schedule enabled on your Ring Doorbell device, it may not capture Amazon deliveries. A schedule is a feature that allows you to set specific times when the device should detect motion. If this feature is enabled, it may be preventing the device from capturing deliveries.

According to smarthomestarter.com, it’s important to ensure that no motion schedule is enabled on your Ring Doorbell device. If you have a motion schedule enabled, you may need to adjust it to ensure that it doesn’t interfere with your deliveries.

Check the Camera’s Angle

The camera’s angle can also affect its performance, and it’s essential to ensure that it’s correctly positioned to capture Amazon deliveries.

According to thesmarthomesecrets.com, the camera should be installed at a height of about four feet and angled downward to capture deliveries. It’s important to ensure that the camera’s view is not obstructed by any objects that may interfere with its performance.

Check the Camera’s WiFi Connection

A poor WiFi connection can affect the performance of your Ring Doorbell device, and it’s essential to check the WiFi connection to ensure that it’s working correctly.

According to smarthomestarter.com, it’s important to ensure that your Ring Doorbell device is connected to a strong WiFi network. If the WiFi connection is weak, you may need to consider installing a WiFi extender to improve the performance of your device.

Be Aware of Signal Jamming

Signal jamming is a technique that can be used to interfere with the performance of your Ring Doorbell device, and it’s essential to be aware of it.

According to tmzlist.com, it’s recommended to have hardwired security devices, enable 802.11w Protected Management Frames, and install a home network monitoring tool such as Fingbox to detect jamming attacks and provide evidence to law enforcement.

Contact Customer Support

If you’re still experiencing issues with Ring Doorbell not recording Amazon deliveries, it’s important to contact customer support for assistance.

According to adaptcreaterepeat.org, Ring Doorbell has excellent customer support, and they are always ready to help users with any issues they may be experiencing. Contacting customer support can provide you with further troubleshooting steps and ensure that your device is working correctly.

Concerns about Ring Doorbell and Amazon Deliveries

There have been concerns about Ring Doorbell not activating with Amazon deliveries, and there are worries that delivery people may be using jamming devices to avoid being recorded by Ring cameras. This section will discuss some of the concerns about Ring Doorbell and Amazon deliveries.

Ring Doorbell Not Activating with Amazon Deliveries

According to community.ring.com, there have been several reports of Ring Doorbell not activating with Amazon deliveries. This issue has caused concerns among Ring Doorbell users, who rely on the device to monitor their home deliveries.

The issue appears to be related to the motion detection feature of Ring Doorbell, which may not be detecting Amazon deliveries. Ring Doorbell users have reported that the device is working correctly with other deliveries, but it’s failing to activate with Amazon deliveries.

Delivery People Using Jamming Devices

There are also concerns that delivery people may be using jamming devices to avoid being recorded by Ring cameras.

According to tmzlist.com, Amazon delivery drivers are reportedly going undetected by Ring Home Security Camera Systems, leading to concerns about potential criminal activity. There are also concerns that the Ring Alarm system can be jammed, leaving homes vulnerable to break-ins.

To mitigate the risk, homeowners can connect their base station to their internet router via Ethernet and consider installing additional cameras. It’s also recommended to have hardwired security devices, enable 802.11w Protected Management Frames, and install a home network monitoring tool such as Fingbox to detect jamming attacks and provide evidence to law enforcement.

What You Can Do

If you’re concerned about Ring Doorbell not activating with Amazon deliveries, there are some steps you can take to ensure that the device is working correctly.

According to adaptcreaterepeat.org, it’s important to check the WiFi connection of your Ring Doorbell device, as a poor WiFi connection can affect the device’s performance. You should also check the motion detection settings and ensure that no motion schedule is enabled on your device.

If you’re concerned about delivery people using jamming devices, it’s important to take steps to protect your home. This may include installing additional cameras, connecting your base station to your internet router

Solutions for Ring Doorbell Not Recording Amazon Deliveries

Ring Doorbell is an excellent device that can help you monitor your home deliveries. However, it’s not uncommon to experience issues with Ring Doorbell not recording Amazon deliveries. This section will discuss some of the solutions for Ring Doorbell not recording Amazon deliveries.

Check WiFi Settings

According to adaptcreaterepeat.org, issues with Ring Doorbell not recording Amazon deliveries can be related to WiFi settings. It’s important to check the WiFi settings of your Ring Doorbell device to ensure that it’s connected to a stable and reliable network.

Contact Support

If you’re experiencing issues with Ring Doorbell not recording Amazon deliveries, it’s essential to contact customer support for assistance. According to thesmarthomesecrets.com, Ring Doorbell has excellent customer support, and they are always ready to help users with any issues they may be experiencing.

Inform the Delivery Company

If you’re experiencing issues with Ring Doorbell not recording Amazon deliveries, it’s essential to inform the delivery company. According to adaptcreaterepeat.org, delivery companies can work with you to ensure that deliveries are being made correctly and that your Ring Doorbell device is working correctly.

Adjust Motion Settings

If you’re experiencing issues with Ring Doorbell not recording Amazon deliveries, it may be related to the motion settings of your device. According to smarthomestarter.com, adjusting the motion settings of your device can help ensure that it’s capturing Amazon deliveries correctly.

Check Event History

If you’re experiencing issues with Ring Doorbell not recording Amazon deliveries, it’s essential to check the event history of your device. According to smarthomestarter.com, checking the event history can help you determine if the device is working correctly and if there are any issues that need to be addressed.

Install Additional Cameras

If you’re experiencing issues with Ring Doorbell not recording Amazon deliveries, it may be worth considering installing additional cameras. According to tmzlist.com, installing additional cameras can help ensure that your home is adequately monitored and that deliveries are being captured correctly.


Overall, Ring Doorbell is an excellent device that can help you monitor your home deliveries. However, it’s not uncommon to experience issues with Ring Doorbell not recording Amazon deliveries. By following the tips and solutions discussed in this article, you can help ensure that your device is working correctly and that your deliveries are being captured accurately.

Final Thoughts

Ring Doorbell is an excellent device that can help you monitor your home deliveries. However, it’s not uncommon to experience issues with Ring Doorbell not recording Amazon deliveries. This article has discussed some of the concerns about Ring Doorbell and Amazon deliveries, as well as some of the solutions for Ring Doorbell not recording Amazon deliveries.

It’s important to remember that Ring Doorbell is just one part of your home security system, and there are other steps you can take to ensure that your home is adequately protected. Here are some final thoughts to keep in mind:

Use Other Home Security Devices

Ring Doorbell is an excellent device, but it’s not the only home security device available. Consider using other home security devices, such as cameras, alarms, and motion sensors, to provide additional layers of protection for your home.

Maintain Your Home Security Devices

To ensure that your home security devices are working correctly, it’s important to maintain them regularly. Check your devices periodically to ensure that they are working correctly and that there are no issues that need to be addressed.

Stay Informed

Stay informed about the latest developments in home security technology and threats. Sign up for newsletters and alerts from home security companies and stay up-to-date on the latest news and trends in home security.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your home is adequately protected and that your deliveries are being captured correctly. Remember that Ring Doorbell is just one part of your home security system, and there are other steps you can take to ensure that your home is secure.

Keep Your Deliveries Safe with Ring Doorbell

Ring Doorbell is an excellent device that can help you monitor your home deliveries. However, it’s important to ensure that your device is working correctly and that your deliveries are being captured accurately. By following the tips and solutions discussed in this article, you can help ensure that your device is working correctly and that your deliveries are being captured accurately.

Remember that Ring Doorbell is just one part of your home security system, and there are other steps you can take to ensure that your home is secure. Consider using other home security devices, maintaining your home security devices, and staying informed about the latest developments in home security technology and threats.

We hope that this article has been helpful in providing you with information on how to keep your deliveries safe with Ring Doorbell. For more great content on home security and technology, be sure to check out our other articles.


Who can I contact if my Ring Doorbell is not recording Amazon deliveries?

Contact Ring Doorbell customer support for assistance with any recording issues.

What should I do if my Ring Doorbell is not capturing Amazon deliveries?

Check the device’s motion settings, event history, and WiFi connection.

How can I ensure that my Ring Doorbell captures Amazon deliveries?

Adjust the motion settings, install additional cameras, and inform the delivery company.

What are some common reasons for Ring Doorbell not recording Amazon deliveries?

Issues with WiFi settings, motion detection, camera errors, or signal jammers.

How can I maintain my Ring Doorbell to ensure it’s recording Amazon deliveries?

Regularly check the device’s settings, connections, and event history.

What if I’m still having issues with Ring Doorbell not recording Amazon deliveries?

Consider using other home security devices and staying informed about the latest trends.